Bathroom Walls Get Wet When Showering

Bathroom Walls Get Wet When Showering

How to Prevent Bathroom Condensation & Mould

Condensation is the bane of every bathroom, especially at this time of the year! Due to high humidity and moisture released into the air by a shower or a warm bath, the bathroom is a breeding ground for condensation. The hotter the water vapour, the more moisture the air can hold means the more that can be deposited on cold surfaces.

Apart from steaming up your mirror, condensation can cause bigger problems such as the build-up of mould, ruining your wallpaper and other surfaces and of course, health problems from breathing it in. In this guide, we'll talk you through the steps you can take to get rid of that unwanted mist.

1. Use an Extractor Fan

One of the simplest solutions to remove condensation is to open a window. This is a great way of removing condensation, simply open your window when running hot water or having a shower to avoid a steamy room. Sadly by doing this, you're also allowing the cold air to come in and the hot air to escape, not ideal in the midst of Winter!

Consider installing an extractor fan which will remove the additional moisture without letting the cold air in. Adding correct ventilation into your bathroom can also reduce the chance of getting mould on your wall tiles and around your windows. Although more prominent in the winter, condensation can still occur at any time of the year so by installing an extractor fan you're protecting your bathroom for all seasons.

2. Wipe Surface Dry

Once you've finished your shower or bath, simply get a towel and dry those surfaces which might have gotten wet or have a visible condensation layer. Surfaces with regular moisture build-up tend to be the windows, mirrors and tiles/wall panels. Make sure you prioritise these when drying surfaces.

It might seem a bit of a pain to do this every time you have a shower or a bath but it will save you a lot of hassle in the long run. You don't have to dry everything completely to the bone, just enough to remove the layer of moisture which may have built up.

3. Install Wall Panels

As an alternative to tiles, consider installing Showerwall panels . These waterproof panels are warmer to touch than tiles and come built-in with a Proclick system providing a seamless joint and grout-free surface. This means that moisture is unable to get into spaces helping to reduce the build-up of damp and condensation. Featuring a non-porous surface, Showerwall panels offer strong protection against bacteria and are easy to clean meaning that you can easily remove moisture that might build-up during your shower.

To avoid damaging your wall panels, we recommend using the Showerwall Cleaner . The cleaner is gentle to the laminated surface and works especially well on removing marks and dirt.

4. Use a Dehumidifier

Making use of a dehumidifier in your bathroom can really reduce the amount of condensation that builds up. Designed to take moisture from the air and collecting it as water, you have to periodically empty a dehumidifier and they're not always on the cheap side either! Consider how much of a problem condensation really is in your bathroom and whether there are other, cheaper ways you can stop the mould before forking out that extra cash. Make sure that you take care when using a humidifier in your bathroom as they run on electricity so shouldn't be coming into contact with any water.

5. Have a Cooler Shower

A simple but effective method would be to have a cooler shower or bath. By lowering the water temperature, your bathroom won't get as hot and the air won't hold as much moisture, thereby reducing the condensation. If it's cold or you're a fan of warmer showers, try stepping out a few minutes earlier to reduce the humidity that way. It is also a great way to save energy and reduce your environmental footprint.

6. Demistable Mirrors

Mirrors are a clear indication of condensation build-up. When you step out of the shower and notice that your mirror has steamed up you know that the room is harbouring moisture. It's important to make sure you wipe down this surface whenever you see this happening although modern technology has created mirrors that will do this for you!

Demistable mirrors are typically fitted with heating pads that keep the surface of the mirror warm, meaning that condensation won't have a cold surface to form. Typically they cost more than your average mirror but if you are concerned about condensation, this is a great way to combat it. You don't always have to buy a special mirror either as you can now buy heating pads separately to upgrade existing bathroom mirrors. Nice!

Bathroom Walls Get Wet When Showering


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